Film Scanning
Film Scanning
Professional Photographic Film Digitization Service:
We use the advanced Epson Perfection Photo scanner, guaranteeing high-quality scanning that preserves the details and colors of your photographic rolls. Relive memories with unmatched fidelity.
Service Details:
Full Roll Digitization: Each 35mm roll (up to 36 frames) can be digitized in strips of 5 or 6 frames, maintaining the integrity and sequence of memories.
Format and Resolution Options:
Film Strip Scan: Obtain images in JPEG format from a 5 or 6 frame negative strip. Ideal for quick views or sharing on social networks.
Standard Scan: Premium JPEG images with dimensions of 16 x 24 cm (approx. 1890 x 2835 pixels), perfect for medium-sized prints.
High Resolution Scanning: Large TIFF files 30 x 45 cm (approx. 3543 x 5315 pixels) for large format prints or professional use.
RAW Format: We offer raw images in .DNG format for those who wish to have full control in post-production.
Storage and Security of Negatives: We store negatives with the utmost care for a period of up to 30 days. We recommend that you collect them within this period to guarantee their safety. After this time, the negatives will be disposed of responsibly.